The Ten Commandments of Coming to Shul

I.     Thou shalt dress appropriately.  No revealing attire (keep shoulders and frontal area covered; nothing risqué). Wear clothes that reflect standing before the Lord.

II.    Respect and keep the Shabbat.  This means no smoking, cell phones, pagers, cameras, etc.

III.   Do not disturb thy neighbor.  People are trying to daven (pray).

IV.    Children are always welcome at Shul.  Use our children’s room if they need a change of scenery.

V.     Do not swear.  This is the House of God.

VI.    Males wear a kippa.  All those who are called to the bima (elevated stage) cover their heads.

VII.   A tallit (prayer shawl) is worn by adult Jews.

VIII.  Thou shalt not clap.  Instead, say “yasher koach!”

IX.     When the Ark is open, stand and do not enter or leave the Sanctuary.

X.     Covet thy Siddur and Humash.  Treat them with respect.  If they fall, kiss them.  Place them right-side up when finished.

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