End of Life Issues

As we face the death of a loved one, or even as we anticipate our own last days, we often turn to our Jewish faith and traditions for guidance and comfort. Our sages teach us that dealing with death can lead to understanding the deepest essence of life; engaging with such sacred matters can give us a sense of purpose that enriches our days.

The Hesed Committee would like to communicate to the congregation that Beth Shalom Synagogue is here to support you at all stages of the temporary or critical illness and dying process. To the extent that each of you desires, the Rabbi, Cantor, Doris Frank, and the entire Hesed Committee are available to counsel you, answer questions, and be a source of comfort and compassion. Hesed Committee members can be available to talk, help, and support you as long as you need.

The Hesed Committee hopes to provide information and resources for community members facing issues of illness, death, and dying. We hope that this information will be useful for anyone dealing with an illness, imminent or actual death of a family member or friend, for anyone thinking through his or her own end of life wishes, and for those wondering how best to comfort a friend.

As a caring community, we have a sacred responsibility to help one another from the moment illness strikes a loved one, through the entire period of bereavement and healing, or as you consider your own mortality.