The Library

Vision statement:

To enable the congregants and students of Beth Shalom Synagogue to enter fully into the rich conversation of our tradition.

Mission statement:

The mission of the libraries of Beth Shalom Synagogue is to provide Judaic materials not readily available in the wider secular community that will support and enhance the various programs of the synagogue and provide a framework for lifelong learning among its congregational members.


•    To provide resources for the study of Judaism, including translations of traditional works and other materials in both print and electronic formats.
•    To support and encourage the Jewish tradition of lifelong study.
•    To be a center for Jewish learning.
•    To provide quality materials about Judaism, its history, practices and beliefs as well as its relevance to our lives today.

Areas of collection:

•    Bible and commentaries, including Midrash
•    Jewish legal tradition, including Mishna, Talmud and Halakha
•    Kabbalah, Chasidut and Jewish spirituality
•    Jewish philosophy, ethics and Mussar
•    Liturgy, including commentaries and music
•    History

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